Sentiment Analysis

Perform EM sentiment analysis for multiple companies. Check real time news flow to stay abreast of the latest happenings.
Using EMAlpha’s stock market sentiment, track the broader stock market movement.

Coverage of 50+ markets and 15000+ companies

Real time news flow

Broader stock market sentiment

Portfolio analysis
Sentiment analysis has been a time proven tool for traders and investors looking to generate low-risk returns.

Trading strategies

Portfolio balancing

Investment decisions
ESG Data
Using multilingual NLP technology, EMAlpha extracts relevant data from over 50+ developed and emerging markets including US, UK, Japan, China, India, Brazil, and South Korea. Information previously hidden in the local dialect is now accessible to investors, enabling them to take timely action.

Real time news tracking

50+ markets covered

Portfolio analysis

Framework specific analysis

Self-disclosure data and benchmarking
Real time news tracking
50+ markets covered
Portfolio analysis
Framework specific analysis
Self-disclosure data and benchmarking
Asset managers and fund managers looking to implement ESG filter in their investments can use EMAlpha’s ESG data for:

Investment decisions

Risk Management

Thematic ETFs

Investment decisions
Risk Management
Thematic ETFs
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